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تكريم ملكي لأورنج الأردن لحصولها على شهادة الاعتراف بالتميز

تكريم ملكي لأورنج الأردن لحصولها على شهادة الاعتراف بالتميز

تكريم ملكي لأورنج الأردن لحصولها على شهادة الاعتراف بالتميز




كرم جلالة الملك عبد الله الثاني بن الحسين أورنج الأردن، لحصولها على شهادة الاعتراف بالتميز وبتقييم وصل إلى 5 نجوم، وذلك خلال حفل جائزة الملك عبدالله للتميز الذي عقد في قصر الثقافة في مدينة الحسين للشباب يوم الإثنين 30 أيلول 2024 بحضور صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير حسين بن عبدالله، ولي العهد وسمو الأمير فيصل بن الحسين، حيث تسلم درع مركز الملك عبدالله للتميز الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة فيليب منصور.




وتُعتبر أورنج الأردن أولى شركات الاتصالات في الشرق الأوسط والمملكة التي تحصل على شهادة (EFQM Recognized for Excellence) بتقييم متقدم وفق نموذج التميز EFQM.




وأعرب منصور عن سعادته الغامرة بهذا التكريم الملكي الذي يشكل مصدر فخر لأورنج كما يؤكد التزامها بالتميز، حيث إن الحصول على شهادة الاعتراف بالتميز (EFQM Recognized for Excellence) من مركز الملك عبدالله الثاني للتميز يعكس التزام الشركة بأفضل معايير التفوق ويعد فرصة للاحتفاء بجهود الفريق المستمرة الذين شكل عملهم المستمر عاملاً حاسماً لتحقيق هذه المحطة.




وأضاف منصور بأن هذه الشهادة من المؤسسة الأوروبية لإدارة الجودة (EFQM) تمثل حافزاً لأورنج للاستمرار في تطبيق أفضل الممارسات في التطوير والتحسين المستمر، مع التركيز على جودة الخدمات المقدمة وزيادة رضى العملاء، كما يدل على حرص الفريق على ترسيخ الالتزام بقيم التطوير والابتكار.




ومن الجدير بالذكر أن مجموعة من المقيمين المتخصصين قاموا بإجراء مقابلات ومراجعة لوثائق أورنج الأردن، بهدف بلورة نظرة عامة وشاملة حول مدى فاعلية تطوير أدائها ونشرها لاستراتيجيتها، بما يتوافق مع احتياجات وتوقعات الشركاء والزبائن، في ضوء نموذج التميز EFQM 2020الذي يشكل إطاراً إدارياً شاملاً في هذا المجال، حيث تعدّ هذه الجائزة من أرفع الشهادات العالمية التي تحصل عليها الشركات التي تحقق التفوق في منهجية إدارة أعمالها.

A Royal Honoring for Orange Jordan for Receiving EFQM Recognized for Excellence 5 Stars Certificate
His Majesty King Abdullah II honored Orange Jordan, after receiving the “EFQM Recognized for Excellence” certificate, with a higher rating of 5 stars, during the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence ceremony that took place on Monday, September 30th at the Cultural Palace in Al Hussein Youth City in the presence of HRH Crown Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah II and His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Hussein. The award from the King Abdullah II Center for Excellence (KACE) was received by the CEO of Orange Jordan Philippe Mansour. 
Orange Jordan is the first telecom company in the Middle East and Jordan to obtain the “EFQM Recognized for Excellence 5 Stars” certificate, achieving a high rating, according to the EFQM Excellence Model.
Mansour emphasized that the royal honoring serves as a profound pride for Orange Jordan, underscoring its commitment to excellence. Receiving the “EFQM Recognized for Excellence 5 Stars” certificate through the King Abdullah II Center for Excellence (KACE) highlights the company’s high standards and allows it to celebrate the tireless efforts of the employees, whose dedication has made this milestone possible.
Mansour further noted that this recognition from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) motivates Orange to continue focusing on best practices in development, quality of service, and customer satisfaction, reflecting the collective dedication of the team and reinforcing the company’s values for continuous improvement and innovation.
It is worth mentioning that a group of experts evaluated and reviewed Orange Jordan’s application to ensure the commitment and implementation of the EFQM 2020 Excellence Model. Areas included strategy performance and dissemination aligning with this administrative framework that is resulted in one of the most prestigious certificates worldwide that are presented to top achieving companies when it comes to adopting excellent business models.
To learn more, you can visit our website www.orange.jo.
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About Orange Jordan
Orange Jordan is one of the subsidiaries of Orange Global Group, which is present in 26 countries around the world. Orange Jordan operates in line with the Group’s strategy “Lead the Future”, and through its positioning as a Responsible Digital Leader, it supports the national digital transformation vision. Orange Jordan prioritizes community service, and in this context, it implements a comprehensive CSR strategy that revolves around 4 pillars including digital education, digital inclusion, entrepreneurship, climate, and environment.
Orange Jordan, with more than 1600 employees in 301 shops and locations across Jordan, strives to provide the best customer experience through an integrated set of digital solutions including fixed, mobile, internet, data, and Smart Life Solutions to around 4.1 million customers in Jordan.
Orange Jordan’s solutions are comprehensive as they serve businesses in addition to individuals under its sub-brand Orange Business.  
Orange Jordan inspires by its values namely transparency, agility, results-oriented, customer centricity, collaboration, caring, and excellence.
To learn more about us, please visit our website: www.orange.jo.
About Orange
Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators with revenues worth 39.7 billion euros in 2023 and 128,000 employees worldwide until 30 June 2024, including 72,000 employees in France. The Group has a total of 285 million customers worldwide until 30 June 2024, including 246 million mobile customers and 21 million fixed broadband customers. The Group is present in 26 countries. Orange is also a leading provider of global IT and telecommunication services to multinational companies under the brand Orange Business. In February 2023, the Group presented its strategic plan "Lead the Future", built on a new business model and guided by responsibility and efficiency. "Lead the Future" capitalizes on network excellence to reinforce Orange's leadership in service quality.
Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).
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Orange and any other Orange’s product or service names included in this material are trademarks of Orange or Orange Brand Services Limited.